Well wouldn’t you know it, my pc has kicked the bucket, being only 2 months old I can only /facepalm and what looks like buy a new motherboard, I spent about 2 hours going through every diagnostic I could think of even taking every single thing out of the case including the motherboard and no luck. The question is whether to wait until the end of the month or order a motherboard now!
Perfect end to the week i think, with phil not being in work I’ve had to get the train, let me tell you; it’s no fun getting up at 5:30am then walking a mile to the train station (carrying laptop and food), then when I get home, once i’ve had some food and a bath it’s 10/11pm before i’ve done anything. I was exhausted last night 🙁
/kicks pc
awww mate its ok im back at work now no need for any more facepalming
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