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Trials of the geek Add to Facebook Share on Twitter

Here we are again, another component up and still the computer is dead, it’s mind boggling… Now my newer power supply seems to have bitten the dust. I cant help but think that the universe is trying to tell me something, because it certainly doesn’t make much sense. The only part that has now not been swapped out is the memory but I just find it unlikely that somehow both sticks fried at the same time! But I guess we’ll have to wait until Monday to find out. Soon I’ll have enough parts to make another PC.

/facepalmI’ve been looking through lots (hundreds) of WordPress themes to suit me better, but none of them fit properly, they’re either too slim for my videos to fit in or they just don’t look any good, I need to make my own theme, but doing any kind of graphics work is basically out of the question on the laptop and I’ve got all my templates and stuff on the main PC.

I think I might make use of one of my own templates, maybe the old modifi theme, or if I can get nupo back up and running I might see if I can port that over, or just use that for my personal blog instead, personally I love the old nupo theme. To me at least it was different enough to default themes and it was light on graphics and high on content.

/moar facepalm

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Posted 17/10/2008 Views 259  
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Last modified: April 5, 2024 @ 3:46 pm