Halo Reach Hemorrhage vs Halo Blood Gulch
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Make Halo Reach panoramas with Hugin
This is a little guide I’ve put together so you can make Halo Reach panoramas using free programs as not all of us can afford or even like Photoshop. I assure you it is simple and not as time consuming as you might think, just make sure you follow the guide fully or you may […]
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SEGA logo fun takes you back
Everyone remembers the SEGA logo and sound from MegaDrive/Genesis games, that distinctive droll “sega” chorus. Every now and then a game would come along with a different intro and my eyes would pop out in surprise. I knew there were a few unique animations but apparently I had no idea… The people over at whipassgaming […]
1,528 | No commentsSep 4th, 2010 | Filed under Gaming