Post your hardware failures and WIN A 4GB Flash Voyager Mini
4GB Flash Voyager Mini This is aimed at those who build or fix PCs, their own or others. I would like to know what your hardware failures have been so we know which brands are doing well and which components people should avoid. I will be collating at least two lists; One for top product […]
786 | 12 commentsApr 6th, 2009 | Filed under Computing, Technology -
GPUs push the boundries of home computing
Gone are the days when GPUs were only used to make your favourite games look great, using GPUs to do actual computing tasks is the in thing. GPUs being harnessed for number crunching have already helped push the folding@home project past 4 Petaflops, the GPU client alone counts for around 2 Petaflops, for comparison that’s […]
260 | No commentsOct 14th, 2008 | Filed under ComputingTags: computing, Technology