So yea, I bought another 20″ Widescreen monitor (LG L204WS) so my desk will be pretty much full of them, will be nice to have two monitors again too, especially since I’ll be doing a lot of website work, and ooh, I’ll be able to use the dual screen mode in games like Supreme Commander.
Next up is this lovely clock, I’ve always wanted a little clock for my desk, just something that was simple and was lit up all the time, this one seems to fit the bill nicely and its a USB hub to boot, no more bending down under the desk to attach stuff in the dark. Best of all it was less than £10 and should be with me within a week!
I also bought some 3D glasses, you know the red and blue kind that you got as a kid to read those 3D comics, they were £1 for 2 pairs. And why? Because they’re cheap and I’d like to see how Trackmania looks with them as it supports that 3D mode. I have a sneaky suspicion it will ruin the colours, not sure why…
Last but not least I’ve been looking at a replacement laptop, I was looking at getting one of those HP tablet laptops, however, as cool as touch screen is and having a tablet would be nice, those pros come with the con of 12″ instead of 15″ screen. I think I’ll stick with a much more stylish Sony Vaio: