I had the pleasure of playing the Mirror’s Edge demo last night, I’ve been meaning to download it but forgot. I’m glad I did, the graphics look great, whilst not the most detailed around they have a lovely style to them, very clean and sharp, the city beyond the rooftops is suitably modelled too, towering buildings as far as the eye can see.
The gameplay is different, jumping and sliding becomes natural quite quickly and while you’re bounding over the rooftops you get into the flow of the game quite easily. One of the problems I had though was the margin for error, it seemed pretty small, jumping from one roof to another can have you falling a lot. I think this is mainly down to the FOV, you have to judge correctly how close your feet are to the edge when jumping (unless you look at them) something which makes the experience feel less tactile. I’m sure though that with more play time I’d get used to it and be able to make jumps flawlessly.
It’s very satisfying to run and jump your way out of harms way, though in the demo the readiness for the enemies to shoot at you was a little off-putting, though again, I get the feeling that disarming enemies and taking them out will get easier with practice. Either way I will be getting this game, if only to say I tried something new.
On another note, don’t you love the soundtrack, created for DICE by Lisa Miskovsky it’s fresh and different, there’s a CD out too with remixes from Paul Van Dyk, Armand Van Helden and more. Some of the best music I’ve heard all year. Yet again, another video.
Update this with your new experiences of the game ya dweeb
Some Mirror’s Edge wallpapers;