So I got my shopping delivered today and when I was putting away some cereal I noticed some shoots coming out of one of the boxes in the cupboard, I was like “wtf?”. Upon closer inspection it appears that I had somehow lost a spud in the box of cereal and having not touched the stuff for a few months it has flowered into a beautiful tentacled beast.

Are you white? If you are there is your problem
Ah… Good ole Morrisons. Always supplying high quality, unexpected, deadly potatoes to those who need it the most.
Don’t eat it, potatoes that have sprouted are poisonous.
You get your groceries delivered? Lazy.
I had misread the title as “Spud Brain” yet that works.
Don’t eat that. I once ate something that looked just like that, and now i’m afraid of black people… 🙁
That is what we call a beautiful disaster.
That proves that Bran is no better than dirt
disgusting…. x.x
simply blows my mind how a potato ends up in a box of cereal
I second that
how in the hell do you lose a potato in box of cereal?
Eat it, I dare ya.
now that’s high fiber cereal!
you are just rank cross!