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JW Flash player skin ‘Skinimal 2’ Add to Facebook Share on Twitter

I have nearly always used JW FLash player to play all of the original video content I have put on this site over the years but pretty much used the bog standard player and skin for that whole time. Never really tried to skin it. Lately though I thought I would give it a try and this is the result. Play and pause button have been removed and there is no container for the bar itself.

I think it looks nice and clean, I have added a slight shadow to the icons so they are not invisible on a white background. It is designed only to be used with the controlbar ‘over’ configuration, making it disappear most of the time anyway.

If you have any problems or suggestions please drop me a comment below and I’ll be sure to take a look.

EDIT: I was not 100% happy with the skin so I made a lot of changes, the new skin “skinimal 2” is now the main player above. Skinimal 2 has a volume slider and a few other minor changes.

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Posted 25/10/2012 Views 290  
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Last modified: April 8, 2024 @ 3:29 pm