Another great Halo Trailer “Remember Reach”
From halo 3, ODST and now Reach there’s always a part in those Halo trailers that sends a shiver down my spine, not the most action packed trailer but atmospheric and enjoyable, can’t wait 🙂 Also available in HD on Youtube.
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Teddies invading invading invading
Love the repetition and insanity, If I were to craft the world this is what it would look like, everywhere, every day. By Cyriak
303 | No commentsMar 11th, 2010 | Filed under VideoTags: video -
Final Fantasy XIII UK Advert is… WOW
Love this advert, almost makes me want to buy a Final Fantasy game, but then I realise I could never endure all the random turn based battle “arenas”. Airing in the UK and some of Europe this advert features music from Leona Lewis.
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Littlebigplanet PSP Gameplay
I made a quick gameplay montage of what you’ll be seeing in LBP PSP!
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Field Runners PSP (Minis)
Also available on Youtube.
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PSP Tetris (Minis)
Tetris get! Finally the PSP gets a version of the classic Tetris, it has been a long time coming but by god it’s actually worth it. Tetris is available via PSN only (for a measly £3.99) and is labelled as one of the new PSP “minis”. From the moment I clapped eyes on it I […]
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It’s not a new game and it’s now available on PS3 and XBLA, but I’m hooked on the PSP version at the moment, I love getting all the stars and bouncing around the track to find the best speed and to grab the bonuses. I’ve only really completed the beginner stages so far but from […]
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Aion Flight Video
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Just my luck in Halo 3
This man should thank his stars and garters that he survived 3 point blank shotgun blasts, 3 melee hits and more. The only real explanation for this haemorrhage inducing death is lag, for some reason the only packets my connection managed to drop were those that contained my gun and my bullets. replay.
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Aion combo video
Also on Youtube.
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