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On the grid

It’s been a quiet but rewarding road for Tegra 2 Tablets over the past few months, with little optimised games being released but most being great to play, the wait for the next big game is almost unbearable and I have been waiting for this game to come out for Android ever since I heard about it, the game looks crisp and fresh and definitely one of the most promising looking Tegra games to be announced.

There is still a long way to go for gaming on Android Tablets and Tegra could do with another feather in it’s cap, god knows it needs more like Bang Bang Racing…
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Posted 14/5/2011 Views 1,764  

I love those little animated gifs around the web and especially like the ones derived from videos, either used as an animated avatar or as a quick movie that you can embed anywhere. So I had a little search around but I couldn’t find a fully formed guide on how to convert video into an animated gif… So here it is, a relatively quick and easy guide on how to convert video/movie files into animated gifs.

Programs you will need:
Virtual Dub Mod (Download the all inclusive zip)
Microsoft Gif Animator

Both of these are free and available to use without even installing, great 😀 Read on for the full guide on how to prepare your video file, how to convert it into an animated gif and how to get the best results. Read more…

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Posted 12/10/2010 Views 3,698  
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Posted 11/10/2010 Views 1,448  
In the third Halo Reach post of recent weeks I bring you a comparison featuring the original blood gulch from Halo and Hemorrhage from Halo Reach. I dug these screenshots out of my old files, apologies for the watermarks on the old images I used to run a site many years ago called futurecube and I didn't keep the original images. Anyway, I thought I would recreate the old images in the new game :D

One of the interesting things about the comparison is to think that this is only one generation of hardware, from the xbox to the xbox 360, but you can see the massive difference in quality and detail. You'll also notice the pallete change from orange and green to a much greener and cleaner map. It still feels the same when playing and is still my favourite map ever. So behold xbox vs xbox 360 (more after the break):

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This is a little guide I’ve put together so you can make Halo Reach panoramas using free programs as not all of us can afford or even like Photoshop. I assure you it is simple and not as time consuming as you might think, just make sure you follow the guide fully or you may get strange results.

Programs you need:
Hugin – Program for making panoramas.
Paint .net – If you don’t already have an image editing program.
Halo Reach – 😀

Read on for a full guide on how to take the screenshots you need, how to add them all together into a panorama and how to get the best results for your panoramas. Read more…

Everyone remembers the SEGA logo and sound from MegaDrive/Genesis games, that distinctive droll “sega” chorus. Every now and then a game would come along with a different intro and my eyes would pop out in surprise. I knew there were a few unique animations but apparently I had no idea…

The people over at whipassgaming loved the logo animations so much they have decided to copy every unique SEGA logo they can find from every Genesis game they can get their hands on and there’s a lot.

What they have come up with is a large collection of gif animations representing all of the best and some of the most obscure game intros I have seen. Some of them will take you back and some will make you wished you played that game! So head on over to the Sega logo fun page and check them out for yourself.

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Posted 4/9/2010 Views 1,528  

From halo 3, ODST and now Reach there’s always a part in those Halo trailers that sends a shiver down my spine, not the most action packed trailer but atmospheric and enjoyable, can’t wait 🙂 Also available in HD on Youtube.

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Posted 29/8/2010 Views 342  

My most favoritest forums have been going for some time and have had that light blue look for even longer. So if like me you’re sick of that garish blue then check out the links below to pimp out your Overclockers forums and make it a little more professional looking.

To use this you will need stylish installed or know how to add style scripts to your browser.

OCUK Dark Theme

There’s a few different ways to install this, if you’ve got firefox and stylish then click here, for chrome click here.

Enjoy 🙂

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Posted 28/8/2010 Views 235  

I’ve been using Picasa a lot recently and paid the $5 for the extra storage as it’s very reasonable and I’ve got all of my photos from the past ten years nicely organised. If you’re interested you can check out my public gallery and see how messed up I am…

Anyway I’m a little disappointed with the favicon on the web albums page as it’s got a horrible white background so, being the geek I am I decided to pop up a few styles on to rectify the issue:

Transparent favicon | Square favicon | Square and transparent favicon

Maybe you’ll like it, maybe you’ll not, either way you can also check out all of my userstyles here.

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Posted 28/7/2010 Views 726  

iPhone OS evolution