Riptide GP Tegra Review (Android)
Water, water everywhere So, I’m going a bit Honeycomb crazy this past week or so with reviews and I’ve also spent quite a bit on the Android Market. Riptide GP is the latest Tegra 2 exclusive title to hit the market and has already had a lot of positive press. As you have probably seen […]
1,039 | No commentsMay 22nd, 2011 | Filed under Gaming -
Best Tablet Apps for Android Honeycomb (May 2011)
I have had my Tablet for less than a month and it is already apparent that Android Tablet apps are in their infancy, there are plenty of non-tablet apps on the market that work well on a large high res display but most of them are games… There’s quite a lack of non gaming apps […]
18,557 | 2 commentsMay 15th, 2011 | Filed under Gadgets, Technology