

  • Braid “Review”

    Imagine me airquoting “review” because I’m not very good at actually reviewing games, I find it hard to give games a score, or to say that X is better than Y. Because every review is subjective, there is no such thing as an objective review. So as usual, all I can do is to write […]

    252 | No comments
    May 7th, 2009 | Filed under Gaming, Reviews
  • Youtube add “chronolinks” to comments

    ok, so I made the term “chronolinks” up but it makes sense. Anyway, it seems Youtube have cottoned on to the fact that people are always commenting “look at 1:56 it’s a pie” or somesuch, and now processes that into a link (example below). Once clicked the link jumps to that point in the video […]

    555 | No comments
    Feb 20th, 2009 | Filed under Web, Youtube
Posts Tagged ‘time’