

  • Halo Reach Hemorrhage vs Halo Blood Gulch

    2,879 | No comments
    Sep 28th, 2010 | Filed under Gaming, Images
  • Battlefield Bad Company 2 Review

    I’ve been a fan of Battlefield games since the original, from playing Desert Combat to 2142 on the PC. They have always been a staple of my gaming time and none more so than Bad Company on the 360. I poured days upon days into it’s fantastic gold rush mode with terrain destruction, advanced technology […]

    726 | No comments
    Mar 18th, 2010 | Filed under Gaming, Reviews
  • Bad Company 2 Wishlist

    I have been rather hooked on Battlefield Bad Company, when I saw the title in reviews and videos it just seemed like another BF2 and I wasn’t interested, but recently my brother in law was playing it and I was like “oooooh”. The game is great, it seems to have a good selection of weapons […]

    1,746 | 8 comments
    Nov 14th, 2009 | Filed under Gaming
  • Legendary (Xbox 360)

    I rented Legendary recently and managed to play it all the way through, whilst I enjoyed the game, there were many glaring problems with it, most notably the untapped potential. It seems like a trend lately, developers seem to do some things right but other things so terribly wrong. So I’ll start off with the […]

    232 | No comments
    Nov 7th, 2009 | Filed under Gaming
  • Gaming Soap

    Yes that is a NES controller made from soap! The great folks at Digital Soaps have made variety of fantastic gaming soaps for those that like to include their favourite console in their everyday life. Imagine getting a shower with your Xbox 360 controller. I can only imagine it may become a little confusing when […]

    935 | No comments
    Jul 8th, 2009 | Filed under Gaming, Life
  • The tragedy of GTA IV

    I’ve been playing a lot more GTA IV, but mainly online and mainly just messing around in the city flying helicopters around. There’s something therapeutic about driving boats and helicopters around a city that seems so big and interactive. The main problem I’ve had with GTA IV is the lack of co-op missions, the game […]

    215 | No comments
    Jul 7th, 2009 | Filed under Gaming
  • Inside the Xbox

    To fill you in on the Xbox situation the towel trick only fixed the red ring for about 5 minutes and I ordered the parts to fix it from ebay for about £3. I set about dismantling the box but apparently my Torx screwdriver set does not go small enough (need a T8). So my […]

    284 | No comments
    Jun 24th, 2009 | Filed under Gaming, Hardware, Technology
  • Braid “Review”

    Imagine me airquoting “review” because I’m not very good at actually reviewing games, I find it hard to give games a score, or to say that X is better than Y. Because every review is subjective, there is no such thing as an objective review. So as usual, all I can do is to write […]

    252 | No comments
    May 7th, 2009 | Filed under Gaming, Reviews
  • Turok (2008)

    I never played the original Turok much, but did play Turok 2 quite a bit and I found it brilliant. The graphics were awesome for the time and the universe it was set in was brilliant, you had a native American taken out of his tribe to fight mutant dinosaurs with space ships and a […]

    367 | No comments
    Feb 6th, 2009 | Filed under Gaming
  • Hong Kong Newspapers

    For some reason these came through my letterbox this morning, addressed to me in a brown envelope sent airmail from Hong Kong. I have no idea why, I can only imagine it’s some confusion on ebay or something from all the stuff I’ve bough from Hong Kong lately. Either way, there was some interesting stuff […]

    877 | No comments
    Feb 5th, 2009 | Filed under Life
Posts Tagged ‘xbox’