It’s nice to have a desktop again, I get get onto things that weren’t possible with the piddly laptop, thankfully I should be getting a nicer laptop soon too. I’ve taken the opportunity to re-encode some of the videos on the site, so they now look nicer and sound better, I’ll also be uploading the multiboxing video instead of using the Youtube version.
I’ve also been playing some Trackmania, which is a nice free racing game, unlike most racing games though the tracks in Trackmania are manic, massive jumps and aerobatics make it a little different and the main premise (which I haven’t touched on yet) is the online play, rankings, teams and such. It’s good fun. Whilst the graphics aren’t brilliant they are nice and smooth. There are also lots of car models available to download from the net. Edit: Video is encoded and ready;
Download (SD): FLV 25MB (640×400/1mbps)