Meebo IM Android review
As the UK did not get MSN/AIM/YH integration in the android IM app we are forced to look for an alternative, and from experience meebo seems to be the best all round client. Also available on Youtube
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PKT Auction (ebay) Android review
I thought I would put up a few android reviews, first off it’s my favourite Ebay application “PKT Auction”. I was very impressed by the interface and the number of features. I especially like the minimal auction pages:
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T-Mobile G1
Picked one of these up the other day because I had a look at the phones Orange had on offer for me and they were pretty much crap, more than that; they wanted me to pay to upgrade my phone even though I would be starting a new contract, I was having any of that […]
407 | 1 commentMay 20th, 2009 | Filed under Gadgets, Technology -
Aion Flight Video
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Just my luck in Halo 3
This man should thank his stars and garters that he survived 3 point blank shotgun blasts, 3 melee hits and more. The only real explanation for this haemorrhage inducing death is lag, for some reason the only packets my connection managed to drop were those that contained my gun and my bullets. replay.
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Aion combo video
Also on Youtube.
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Braid “Review”
Imagine me airquoting “review” because I’m not very good at actually reviewing games, I find it hard to give games a score, or to say that X is better than Y. Because every review is subjective, there is no such thing as an objective review. So as usual, all I can do is to write […]
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