As you may or may not have noticed I have reverted back to the theme I originally used for the site, got sick of the mystique skin just being too big. One day I’ll have to design my own skin! Until then I have updated this one with lots of little icons. As you may notice to the top right of this post there are now 6 social bookmarking icons so hopefully people might use them a little more to submit posts to social networks.
I have also added the ability to have an icon at the top left of the posts, using the WordPress ‘custom fields’ feature I can now put whatever little icon I want at the top of my posts, I’ve gone with a few standard ones and will be updating all of my old posts with icons in the near future, but for now all the most recent ones have been updated. What do you think, is this design better?
And finally I think I’ve actually finished fiddling with the X-COM UFOpedia, I just had to keep on adding and adding to it’s features, I added a search function and also optimized the URIs so that instead of /ufopedia/ufo.php?u=000 they new read /ufopedia/skyranger.html 😀 The question is, can I be arsed porting these features to the other UFOpedias?
Edit: Also finally figured out how to add little icons to the widgets on the right, I even wrote a little guide.