Aion Flight Video
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Aion combo video
Also on Youtube.
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Today I became a Daeva
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More Aion Beta
This is a quick post just to add the video below and to link to some screenshots I’ve taken from the beta. I’ve been playing for a few hours and getting closer to level 10 (when you can get your wings I believe) I’m having fun and enjoying the combo system and the general feel […]
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Aion Chinese Beta
So as you may know from some of my other posts I have been looking forward to playing Aion for some time, there is now a Chinese open beta out and I’ve just got it downloaded, installed and patched it with the English patch. Most of the text is in English and it plays quite […]
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Aion Improvements Comparison
The team behind Aion have released some news and screenshots detailing their new lighting and shadow changes to the Aion engine (cryengine), the difference is evident, but I thought it would be nice to compare them directly, look at the images below and move your mouse over to see the improved image, hopefully it provides […]
509 | 3 commentsOct 18th, 2008 | Filed under Gaming -
Aion Music Video
I’ve been watching closely as Aion edges ever so slowly towards an unnamed release date, as I’ve become completely bored of WoW, I hope Aion’s gameplay is as good as it’s graphics, either way I was bored and decided to make a montage of my favourite videos so far, along with a nice soundtrack. Download […]
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