Inside the Xbox II
Well I managed to get my hands on a smaller Torx screwdriver, got it all to pieces and god rid of those dreaded X-Clamp mofos, now I’ve put it all back together and it’s working fine. The only problem is that the xbox seems to think that it’s getting too warm as the fans are […]
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Inside the Xbox
To fill you in on the Xbox situation the towel trick only fixed the red ring for about 5 minutes and I ordered the parts to fix it from ebay for about £3. I set about dismantling the box but apparently my Torx screwdriver set does not go small enough (need a T8). So my […]
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Xbox goes to the towel clinic
So after I told you in my previous post my Xbox has joined the legions that have developed the demonic red ring of death I decided I should try out the “towel trick” to get rid of those nasty red lights and get myself playing halo again. First off we get the Xbox ready by […]
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Red Ring Red Ring Red Ring!!
Flashing torture So yea, I was in the middle of a fast paced game of Halo 3 when I got a crap load of artifacting and then it froze, when I switch it back on again guess what happened, I got the dreaded Red Ring Of Death, three red lights or simply RROD. I had […]
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