

  • PSP Tetris (Minis)

    Tetris get! Finally the PSP gets a version of the classic Tetris, it has been a long time coming but by god it’s actually worth it. Tetris is available via PSN only (for a measly £3.99) and is labelled as one of the new PSP “minis”. From the moment I clapped eyes on it I […]

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    Oct 5th, 2009 | Filed under Gaming, Video
  • The curious case of the PSP Go

    I’ve been an on and off fan of the PSP for some time, I was one of the first people in the UK to get one from Lik-Sang (check it out I still have the photo from when it came), a company now shut down for doing exactly that, selling Japanese PSPs to the rest […]

    1,232 | No comments
    Jun 30th, 2009 | Filed under Gaming, Hardware
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  • Sony Cybershot W110

    I have been trying to decide which camera to get for some time, could not for the life of me make my mind up, especially considering my £100 price limit. At this range the more featured cameras are bigger, the smaller cameras generally more oriented towards general use. I finally decided to go for the […]

    1,365 | No comments
    Dec 15th, 2008 | Filed under Gadgets, Images, Life, Technology
Posts Tagged ‘Sony’