Another flashy musicy game.
* Corsair Air 540 case
* 3770K
* 2x R9 290
* 8GB Crucial Tactical Tracer
* 2x 250gb SSD
Build log here.
Apparently I’m playing EVE again, who knew?
My watercooling build is complete:
* Corsair Air 540 case
* 3770K
* R9 290
* 8GB Crucial Tactical Tracer
* 2x 250gb SSD
Build log here.
When Titanfall was announced everyone knew it came from some of the minds behind the Call of Duty franchise and whilst it does take from Call of Duty it is a completely different beast. Respawn entertainment have tried hard to create a game which takes a lot from other games in the genre whilst feeling unique. What they have made is a bit like Marmite, it shakes things up in a genre that most see as dominated by stale and uninspiring cast of CODs and COD clones. However, it’s decision to almost completely ditch a campaign and focus entirely on multiplayer is a bit of a change of pace that puts many off.
Titanfall’s campaign mode is barely even that, you play through a dozen multiplayer maps (the same maps you’ll be playing in future) against other players with a slight bit of narrative from the “characters” and a few explosions or changes on the maps itself. Campaign is however required as it unlocks two of the three titans on offer. There are no cutscenes and the only narrative that happens outside of gameplay is a minute or so of briefing before the match begins. In this aspect Titanfall really doesn’t feel at it’s best, not only is the campaign little more than a multiplayer game it also matches you against a broad range of players with differing ranks and experience. Many brand new players can find themselves trying to muddle through the campaign getting hammered by players with hundreds of hours under their belt. This seems due to the fact that there are not as many players trying to complete the campaign for the first time as there are seasoned players.
Above is a picture of my first ever DSLR taken with my trusty old Fuji F550 EXR. Click on it to check the new website I have put up on my other domain martincross.co.uk. Since I got the 400D I have been getting more interested and invested in photography. I used to like it but now with a much better camera and lens I love it!