Yep you guessed it, been messing around with more childhood classics, this time it’s Microcosm on the CD32. I must have watched this FMV a million times when I was young, it was the best thing I had laid eyes on at the time. The game itself was pretty crap and by today’s standards the video and acting are terrible. At the time though it was one of the greatest uses of FMV ever! 😀

It’s funny how the smallest of things can set you off on a quest, someone recently linked a flash driving game on the OcUK forums, I enjoyed it but it reminded me of a game I used to have on the Amiga CD32 which was Super Skidmarks.
I just love it, the different vehicles you can use and the tracks are kinda 3D. For some reason I just love the concept, someone should make an updated version of it, nothing too lavish just upgraded graphics in the same vain.
Anyway as usual I went off on one and decided to make a video of some of the vehicles in thae game (and incidentally all the tracks), I had nothing but trouble making the video as I had problem after problem, I should have given up but as usual I persevered and behold some of the fun vehicles you can play with in Super Skidmarks, sorry for the crappy youtube video, but for some reason my FLV converter is broken so you’ll have to make do:

I recently finished watching this and figured I might as well post my review here as I’ve put it up on myanimelist. I’ll probably review more anime soon as I’ve been watching so much of it lately. So here goes, my first anime review. After watching the fantastic first series of SAC I could not wait to get sunk into the 2nd Gig, however I was only met with disappointment. What made the first series so compelling and original was totally missing in 2nd Gig. Read more…
After playing the terribly bad port of FEAR on the xbox I decided to get up to date with the franchise and play some FEAR 2 : Project Origin. I was actually impressed, firstly you have to understand that it’s nothing special, It’s not the best game ever or the most innovative, but it is worth playing. It’s really a simple shooter with slow-mo, but the graphics are nice and it runs very well on even an entry level system.

So I got my shopping delivered today and when I was putting away some cereal I noticed some shoots coming out of one of the boxes in the cupboard, I was like “wtf?”. Upon closer inspection it appears that I had somehow lost a spud in the box of cereal and having not touched the stuff for a few months it has flowered into a beautiful tentacled beast.

I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted, I’ve been busy (more on that later) for now though I’ve always found it hard to find dual screen wallpapers, especially ones in 3360×1050 resolution, hopefully these should help, read below the fold for some more previews and a big link incase you missed the one up there^

I’m going to get myself a Sony MWD in a little while, it’s a lovely little MP3 player which is a little bigger than your average USB flash drive but is also a 2GB MP3 player with up to 12 hours play time. Suits me down to the ground, no faffing with wires, software or chargers, I can just plug it in to any PC and charge it! So, white or black (read more to vote, or vote on the right hand bar)?
Check out some of the features of the new Palm Pre demoed at the Mobile World Congress 2009 show. I was mildly interested in the phone before this, but after watching this I’m really impressed with the design of the hardware and also the unique and capable OS.
ok, so I made the term “chronolinks” up but it makes sense. Anyway, it seems Youtube have cottoned on to the fact that people are always commenting “look at 1:56 it’s a pie” or somesuch, and now processes that into a link (example below). Once clicked the link jumps to that point in the video you are in. Not exactly revolutionary or a feature I thought I needed, but it works 😀 The change is retroactive too so any old posts where someone mentions a time will be clickable too.

Sadly they still haven’t perfected that “stupidity filter”.