Perfect Dark XBLA
Perfect Dark was one of my favourite games on the Nintendo 64, still one of my favourite consoles ever. It expanded on the formula from Goldeneye and added as many features as Rare could manage to squeeze in, it also allowed them to create their own universe, characters and plot. Simply put Perfect Dark was […]
851 | No commentsMar 22nd, 2010 | Filed under Gaming -
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Review
I’ve been a fan of Battlefield games since the original, from playing Desert Combat to 2142 on the PC. They have always been a staple of my gaming time and none more so than Bad Company on the 360. I poured days upon days into it’s fantastic gold rush mode with terrain destruction, advanced technology […]
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More UFOs, More PHPs and PNGs
X-COM Apocalypse So after completing the other X-COM games’ UFOpedias I finally found the images to make the X-COM Apocalypse UFOPEDIA, probably the most important because there doesn’t actually appear to be another one online anywhere. Yet again I used more PHP to achieve relative page links by using elseif statements, much easier yet again […]
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Teddies invading invading invading
Love the repetition and insanity, If I were to craft the world this is what it would look like, everywhere, every day. By Cyriak
303 | No commentsMar 11th, 2010 | Filed under VideoTags: video -
Final Fantasy XIII UK Advert is… WOW
Love this advert, almost makes me want to buy a Final Fantasy game, but then I realise I could never endure all the random turn based battle “arenas”. Airing in the UK and some of Europe this advert features music from Leona Lewis.
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Rasta Monkey browser game
Rasta monkey is a game about a monkey… What kind of monkey? A rasta monkey of course. This game is based on the Unity engine, which is a free downloadable plugin for your browser, letting you play 3D and more involving games through your Firefox… What other browsers? Haha don’t make me laugh. Anyway Rasta […]
682 | No commentsMar 4th, 2010 | Filed under Gaming -
I learned of this game from adverts on TV, they were sponsoring all the shows I watched apparently, the adverts made the game look really nice and so I got it on rental. The first thing needed to be said about Darksiders is that the game’s title floats entirely on it’s own, no reference is […]
7,700 | No commentsMar 2nd, 2010 | Filed under Gaming -
More PHP and UFOs
I had a bit of a UFO Enemy Unknown binge the other week after I bought the whole series on steam for £2, I played it for hours and hours. It reminded me of the old UFOpedia site I made a few years ago which replicated the interface within the game. So I decided to […]
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LittleBigPlanet PSP
LittleBigPlanet is a game I never really understood on the PS3, I thought it seemed a little too simplistic for a full on home console game. The game is very basically a platformer, there are some nice fun elements but at it’s heart it is a run of the mill platformer. The main selling point […]
430 | No commentsNov 18th, 2009 | Filed under Gaming -
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Wallpapers
I like the artwork from Bad Company 2 but there aren’t any good wallpapers out, so I used the fan kit from DICE to create a few of my own, not the most creative but I think they worked out pretty well, currently adorning my laptop desktop 😀 Please enjoy and feel free to share, […]
4,461 | No comments