

  • Moar floorhorse

    Floorhorse is claiming more lives every second of the day, as you can see the domain has been registered, not by myself, I was too much of a pussy and have already registered way too many domains recently. Including another today, I finally bought my actual name and ill be using it as email, probably […]

    324 | No comments
    Nov 2nd, 2008 | Filed under Computing, Dev, Life, Web
  • Random post title

    Following on from the last post I registered another domain and basically used exactly the same code but changed the images and sound, so now we have a lovely Random DOH!, I prefer the family fortunes one, it just feels more slick, I might add a background to the new one though, just light doughnuts […]

    340 | No comments
    Nov 1st, 2008 | Filed under Dev, Images, Life, Web
  • KFC Breakfast Menu

    We were hungry the other morning at work so someone decided to pop off to KFC to get some breakfast stuff, try as hard as we could it was not possible to find a menu anywhere online for what they do! Later it became apparent that this was because breakfasts were not official yet and […]

    9,222 | 3 comments
    Oct 30th, 2008 | Filed under Life
  • Trackmania mania

    It’s nice to have a desktop again, I get get onto things that weren’t possible with the piddly laptop, thankfully I should be getting a nicer laptop soon too. I’ve taken the opportunity to re-encode some of the videos on the site, so they now look nicer and sound better, I’ll also be uploading the […]

    282 | No comments
    Oct 27th, 2008 | Filed under Computing, Gaming, Images, Life, Video
  • More randomness

    Because of the PC situation and the problems I’ve had with it I’ve now got another PC and have got rid of my laptop for now, which means I can at least get on with some design work and play some games finally. I’m going to see if I can get the other PC replaced […]

    233 | No comments
    Oct 22nd, 2008 | Filed under Dev, Life, Web
  • Hallelujah

    Finally after over a week I’ve confirmed the problem with the PC, both my memory and processors work fine in another PC, but this means that both of my motherboards are fried! The brand new OCZ Power supply must have had some knid of grudge against me and maliciously decided to annoy the crap out […]

    233 | 1 comment
    Oct 19th, 2008 | Filed under Life
  • Trials of the geek

    Here we are again, another component up and still the computer is dead, it’s mind boggling… Now my newer power supply seems to have bitten the dust. I cant help but think that the universe is trying to tell me something, because it certainly doesn’t make much sense. The only part that has now not […]

    259 | No comments
    Oct 17th, 2008 | Filed under Life, Unsorted
  • Bite me photobucket

    Yet again boredom made me do random things, I decided to pick up a little image upload program so if I wanted to host a pic I wouldnt have to use another site or load up FTP, so I grabbed a simple image uploading script and spruced it up with some preset bbcode & html […]

    318 | 1 comment
    Oct 15th, 2008 | Filed under Dev, Life, Web
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  • You’ve just been Tomahawked!

    Meh, looks like no new motherboard until Thursday at least, I guess I’ll have to rot my brain on television instead. In the meantime I think I’ll move this blog to the main chaoticsignal website as I’ve decided rather than it be my personal boring blog it will be a place for me to dump […]

    254 | No comments
    Oct 13th, 2008 | Filed under Life
  • What a lovely week

    Well wouldn’t you know it, my pc has kicked the bucket, being only 2 months old I can only /facepalm and what looks like buy a new motherboard, I spent about 2 hours going through every diagnostic I could think of even taking every single thing out of the case including the motherboard and no […]

    334 | 4 comments
    Oct 11th, 2008 | Filed under Life
Archive for the ‘Life’ Category