

  • Is Blu-ray dead already?

    I ask only because as a person who loves to grab the latest gadgets and games I really have a hard time justifying Blu-Ray, in fact I have a hard time even considering shelling out ~£100 for a player. The format is treading familiar territory alright, optical discs from CDs to DVDs have been massive […]

    3,153 | 8 comments
    Apr 8th, 2010 | Filed under Life, Technology
  • New look Old look

    As you may or may not have noticed I have reverted back to the theme I originally used for the site, got sick of the mystique skin just being too big. One day I’ll have to design my own skin! Until then I have updated this one with lots of little icons. As you may […]

    190 | No comments
    Mar 15th, 2010 | Filed under Dev, Life
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  • Facebook profile pic faux pas

    73,156 | 13 comments
    Jul 27th, 2009 | Filed under Images, Life, Technology, Unsorted, Web
  • Gaming Soap

    Yes that is a NES controller made from soap! The great folks at Digital Soaps have made variety of fantastic gaming soaps for those that like to include their favourite console in their everyday life. Imagine getting a shower with your Xbox 360 controller. I can only imagine it may become a little confusing when […]

    935 | No comments
    Jul 8th, 2009 | Filed under Gaming, Life
  • Mobile sized chunks

    I’ve been using my G1 quite a bit to browse the web lately and as you know I have an extensive image gallery which I like to use in posts on forums etc. Well now I can both directly upload to that gallery by using a handy ftp program on Android and browse the gallery […]

    225 | No comments
    Jun 17th, 2009 | Filed under Dev, Gadgets, Life, Web
  • Coding pointless stuff

    Yeo that’s right, there’s nothing more time consuming than coding php and html for random stuff that no-one is ever going to see. But again that’s half the point of this site, to test things out and to see what is possible. It’s also fun to learn. Using this site and my own curiosity I […]

    202 | No comments
    Apr 11th, 2009 | Filed under Dev, Life, Web
  • Chicken Pop Pops

    Ever been to KFC and loved their popcorn chicken? Me too, so I was jumping when I found these popcorn chicken style nugget things in my local Iceland. They are shamelessly called “Chicken Pop Pops” and the packaging has a more than passing resemblance to KFC, it even says “SFC” on the box. Well the […]

    2,541 | No comments
    Apr 9th, 2009 | Filed under Life
  • And there was Sega and it was good

    This isn’t a real one I’m not exactly sure why, but I dug the Dreamcast out of storage and hooked it up today. Last time I tried it wouldn’t work, just a blank screen, it did exactly the same thing this time, no video and no sound. Apparently there was some kind of gunk in […]

    223 | No comments
    Apr 8th, 2009 | Filed under Gaming, Life
  • Base jump from Burj Dubai

    393 | 1 comment
    Mar 22nd, 2009 | Filed under Life
  • Spud Bran

    So I got my shopping delivered today and when I was putting away some cereal I noticed some shoots coming out of one of the boxes in the cupboard, I was like “wtf?”. Upon closer inspection it appears that I had somehow lost a spud in the box of cereal and having not touched the […]

    40,290 | 16 comments
    Mar 21st, 2009 | Filed under Life
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Archive for the ‘Life’ Category